Resistance Strong - Resistance Training Reinvented

Why external anchors SUCK

1. Finding reliable anchor points

Easier said than done. Just use a door anchor, you might say. I'm afraid door anchors are only safe when pulling the door closed. Typically that means you are outside of the room in a narrow hallway.

2. Anchor safety

Let's say you give up and attach an anchor to the wall with metal hardware like screws. Then start training vigorously. Uh oh, you have created a powerful sling shot waiting to propel metal hardware towards you at high speed when the anchor fails.

3. Consistent resistance

Bands give variable resistance depending on how far they are stretched. This means that your loading will vary wildly depending on how far away you stand from the anchor. Not a good thing if you are trying to increase load in small and predictable increments.

4. To each action there is a reaction

If you pull on a band attached to an external anchor, the reaction force has to go through the floor. Otherwise you would pull yourself towards the anchor. This will require good friction between your feet and the floor. Even the best soft rubber will give friction a bit less than your own weight. I can row more than that.

5. Balance

Even if your feet stay put on the floor, you will have to brace to not topple over like a bowling pin. This further limits the force that you can exert. Typically you will have to lean back, which changes the angle of the exercise into something else.

6. Don't accept limits

In resistance training, the target muscle should be the limiting factor. Not the friction on the floor, or your ability to brace against the external anchor.

7. Objects may be lighter than they appear

OK, so can I at least pull UP on bands attached to band pegs ? Unless the rack or bench are super heavy, or attached to the floor with SOLID anchors, you may be able to pull it up quite easily. A semi-strong person can isometrically pull three times bodyweight or more. Do the math.

How to make it work ?

Use your feet, your back or a foot plate as the anchor.

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